Exhibition / Model Studies

21/03/2013 to 01/06/2013
Thomas Demand with Fernand Léger, Francis Bruguière, Thomas Scheibitz and the Vkhutemas School.
"Model Studies is curated by and features a new body of work by artist Thomas Demand and selected works from Fernand Léger, Francis Bruguière, Thomas Scheibitz, and photos by architecture students at the Constructivist school VKhUTEMAS in Moscow. Together, the works in the exhibition dismantle a rigid, formal worldview and explore methods of representation other than realism. Seeking new ways to construct meaning, figuration and traditional forms of narrative give way to alternative approaches to making, seeing, and understanding the world. Central to this idea is the model, from its most literal to its most abstract manifestation."
Gimnasio Arena do MorroObras |
Vivienda Gallaratese IIObras |
Biblioteca LiyuanObras |
Casa para el poema del ángulo rectoObras |
Ampliación del Museo Chileno de Arte PrecolombinoObras |
Edificio RocheObras |
Laboratorio Koisuru ButaObras |
Parque Cultural de Valparaíso [PCdV]Obras |
Rumah Andra MatinObras |
Ladera de la MisericordiaObras |